Monday, January 15, 2007

Wow, It's Been Awhile

So it's been awhile since I posted. All I can say is you know how when you're in graduate school and they tell you you'll have no life? They weren't kidding. I have no idea who 'they' are, but 'they' are dead on.

They definitely make you earn that doctor that will precede your name.

So let's bullet, as my friend Kate would say, cause she loves bullets:

  • Buffy Conference: check it out at: and click on "buffy matters"
  • Everything's pretty much set for the conference, including the itinerary
  • We got a puppy. She's the adorable lass posted on this site. Her name is "Dax" after Deep Space Nine's awesome female trill character: Jetsia Dax. Plus, names w/ "x's" are cool.
  • I've been sick pretty much nonstop since last semester. See Ph.D sickness.
  • Made all "A's" my first phd semester. NICE.
  • My new favorite word is Lame. Say it. Use it. It's perfect for every occassion.
  • I'm teaching 3 different courses, but 4 in total. I'm going to be a tired puppy.
  • The new puppy is like having a baby. Seriously. I'm exhausted 103% of the time.
  • That's all for now.
I'll try to update more in the future. Like, say, once a week. But who really reads this anyway?